Ongoing Project

Complete Project

Procurement and Installation of Offtake Ultrasonic Gas Metering Station PT. Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk SBU III - SumBagUt, 2003

Years : 2003
Location : Panaran, Batam
Client : PT. Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk SBU III - SumBagUt

Scope Of Work : Procurement and Installation of Offtake Ultrasonic Gas Metering Station.
Scope Of Supply :
- Pressure Control Valve,
- Pressure Regulating Valve,
- Analyzing System,
- Sludge Catcher,
- Fire Suppression (FM-200),
- and Odorizer System.

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Proyek Balai Pungut Riau, 2021

Year           : 2021

Location  :  Riau, Sumatera


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Year           : 2020

Location  : Koto Gasib, Riau, Sumatera


Scope of Work :  EPCC For DPMF PLTGU Riau Integrated with Koto Gasib Metering

Product Installed :

- Metering USM Package including with Gas Analyzer

- Valve, Control Valve, Shut Down Valve

- Gas Filter Package

- Field Instrument


- Lightning Protection and Grounding System


- Fire and Gas System

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Proyek Pekerjaan Penambahan Line Fire Water di Area 38 New Plant Kilang Pertamina Internasional RU IV Cilacap, 2022

Year           : 2022

Location  : Cilacap

Client         : PT. Pertamina Internasional RU IV Cilacap

Scope of work :

  - Pipeline underground
  - Pipeline above ground with pipe sleeper
  - Crossing Road
  - Tie in pipe

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Year           : 2019

Location  : Jirak, Sumatera

Client         : PT. Pertamina EP

Scope of work :


1.   Gross Handling Unit :

      - Skimming Tank

      - FWKO (Free Water Knock Out)

2.   Water Treatment and Injection Plant :

      - Produced and Treated Tanks

      - Pretreatment System

      - Nutshell Feed Pump

      - Nutshell Filtration System

      - Induced Gas Floatation System

      - Decanter Tank

      - CPI Tank

      - Chemical Injection System

      - Water Injection Pump

3.   Power Generating System :

      - 4×75MW Gas Engine Generator System

      - MV and LV Switchgear

      - Emergency Diese Engine Generator

      - UPS System

4.   Utility System :

      - Instrument Air and Utility Air System

      - Utility Water System

5.   Supporting System :

      - SCADA, PCS, SIS, ESD System

      - FM 200, Watermist, Hydrant and Fire Alarm System

      - Telecommunication System

      - Lighting Indoor and Outdoor System

      - Grounding and Lightning Protection

      - Civil Control Building, Sub Station Building, Open shelter and Dormitory

6.   Interfacing with Existing Facilities :

      - Electrical Power System

      - Piping System

      - Instrumentation System

Product Installed :

- Demulsifier

- Filtration System

- Storage Tanks

- Scada System

- Electrical, Instrument , Control System

- Valve, Fittings

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3 MW Solar Power Plant EPC at PT Badak NGL Location, 2018

Year          : 2018

Location : Bontang, Kalimantan

Client       : PT. Badak LNG

Scope of work : Engineering Procurement and Construction 3 MW Solar Power Plant, includes :

(i) Engineering

(ii) Procurement

(iii) Construction

(iv) Technical Examination & Testing

(v) Pre-Commissioning

(vi) Commissioning Phase

(vii) Installation Acceptance

(viii) Final Acceptace

(ix) Operation and Maintenance Training

(x) Land preparation and licensing

Product Installed :

- Solar Cell, Inverter

- DC Combiner & AC Combiner

- Low Voltage Panel

- Transformator

- Medium Voltage Panel

- Kiosk Panel

- SCADA System

- CCTV System

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EPC Metering Station TGI Duri, 2018

Year             : 2018

Location     : Duri, Sumatera

Client           : TGI

Scope of work : EPCC Metering Station with 255 MMSCFD Design for the purposes of gas distribution in Duri and Dumai Area.

Installed Product :

          Custody USM Metering


           Pressure Control Valve

           Gas Chromatograph

           Pressure Transmitter and Temperature Transmitter

    Sampling Probe

    Flow Computer


           Gas Engine Generator

    Diesel Engine Generator

           Fire and Gas system

           Lightning Protection System

           Lighting (Indoor and Outdoor)


           Limit Switch

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EPC Grissik – Duri USM Upgrade Project, 2017

Year         : 2017

Location : Grissik,Duri Sumatera

Client      : Conoco Phillips

Scope of work : EPC Grissik – Duri USM Upgrade Project

Installed Product :

      - Custody USM Metering

      - Valve Gas Pipeline

      - Instrumentation

      - Meter Shelter

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EPC Gas Measurement Facility Senoro - PAU (Integrated EPC Construction), 2016

Year        :  2016

Location : Banggai, Sulawesi

Client      : Pertamina JOB Tomori

Scope of work :

The operating Joint Operating Body Pertamina –  Medco E&P (JOB PMTS) will be

developing the Senoro gas field, located onshore near the coast of Senoro-Toili

Block on the eastern arm of Sulawesi Island, Indonesia. Senoro Central

Processing Plant through common 30” main gas pipeline will deliver 55 MMscfd of

sales gas to Ammonia Plant while others to existingLNG Plant.

To be able to deliver sales gas for Ammonia Plant,  PAU Gas Metering Station

developed to measure total sales gas while existingGas Metering Station already

dedicated to existing Buyer. The facility for PAU Gas Metering Station project will

consist Sales Gas Separator SNO-V-5301, 2 x 100% Sales Gas Filter SNO-F-5302A/B, 2 x 100% Main Ultrasonic Metering, Emergency Diesel Generator, and Instrument/Utility Air System.

Product Installed :


- Gas Chromatograph

- H2S Analyzer

- H20 Analyzer

- Hydrocarbon Dupoint


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Converter Kit Package, 2017, 2018, 2019

Year           : 2017, 2018, 2019

Location : Sumatera,Sulawesi

Client        : Kementerian ESDM

Scope of work : Procurement and installation of converter kit equipment

Scope of Supply :

- Gas fuel tank Type 4

- Distribution Pipe

- Regulator / Reducer

- Injection Rail

- Cylinder Valve

- Isolation Valve

- Non return Valve

- Charging Connection

- Automatic breaker

- Electronic gas fuel volume indicator

- Electronic and cable control devices

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City Gas Project, 2011, 2012, 2014, 2018

Year        : 2011, 2012, 2014, 2018

Location : Bekasi, Cirebon, Lhoksumawe,

Semarang, Pasuruan, Probolinggo, Serang, Bogor.

Client      : Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM)

Scope of work : EPC, Gas Distribution Construction and Gas Pipeline to residential

Scope of Supply :

- Gas Meter Diaphragm

- Gas Regulator

- Flowmeter

- Valve ( Ball, Butterfly, Check)

- Turbine Meter

- Gas Filter

- Expanded Metal Join

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Ultrasonic Metering System Panaran upgrading , 2014

Year           : 2014

Location : Batam, Riau

Client        : TGI

Scope of work :

For restore the reliability of the meter system at Panaran station and increase it to accuracy of the meter system by upgrading including Dry and Wet Calibration Meter streams A and B to replace the existing stream meter on Panaran station.

Product Installed :


- Air Compressor

- Pipe Spool 8”

- Pressure Transmitter

- Temperature Transmitter

- Temperature Detector

- Thermowell

- Drainline Valve

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USM Wetcalibration Project, 2018

Year        : 2018
Location : Grissik, South Sumatra, Indonesia
Client      : ConocoPhillips (Grissik) Ltd    

Scope of Work    : Engineering, Procurement and  Construction (EPC) Grissik – SSWJ Ultrasonic Metering (USM) Wet Calibration Project  
Scope of Supply : Custody USM metering, Valve gas pipeline, Instrumentation and  Meter shelter

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Gas Off Take Station, 2014

Year         : 2014
Location  : Ngoro, East Java
Client       : PT. PGN

Scope of Work    : EPC Off Take Station included Gas Metering Skid, Fire & Gas Detection System, Hydrant System and Site Office.

Scope of Supply :
-Gas Metering & Pressure Regulator completed with Orifice Meters, Flowcomputer & Chart Recoder

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CNG Station/ Stasiun Pengisian Bahan Bakar Gas (SPBG), 2013

Year        : 2013
Location : Balikpapan, Sidoarjo, Jakarta
Client      : ESDM – Pertamina Gas Directorate

Scope of Work    : EPC SPBG Station Completed with MRS, Gas Compressor, Gas Bottles and Gas Dispensing Units
Scope of Supply :
• Online Gas Metering
• Gas dryer
• Gas Scrubber & Filter
• Gas Dispenser Unit

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Gas Blockstation / SPG ( Stasiun Pengumpul Gas), 2012

Year        : 2012
Location : Jambi
Client      : Pertamina UBEP Jambi    

Scope of Work    : B.O.T scheme 3 years contract, 2 mmscfd Gas Processing Facilities completed with maintenace & operator at Sungai Gelam  
Scope of Supply : - Gas Filter- Separator Unit - Gas Metering Skid - Gas Dehydration Unit

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ORF (Onshore Receiving Facility), 2012

Year        : 2012
Location : Cilamaya, West Java
Client      : PT. Pertamina Hulu Energi ONWJ  

Scope of Work   : New Cilamaya Custody Transfer Gas Metering and Modification of Existing Facility to Supply Gas for Pertamina Refenery Unit VI Balongan  
Scope of Supply :
- Custody Gas Transfer Metering completed with: Orifice Meters,Gas Chromatograph,  Flowcomp, and Chart Recorder.

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USM Custody Metering - Regulator Station, 2012

Year        : 2012
Location : Duri, Riau
Client      : PT. Indonesia Power

Scope of work     : EPC, Gas Station Construction and Gas Pipeline to PLTG Duri
Scope of Supply  :
- Custody Metering
- Gas Filter Unit
- Gas Pipeline

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Project Name : Gas Fuel Custody Metering – Regulator Station, 2008

Year        : 2008

Location : Muara Tawar, Bekasi West Java

Client      : PLN Muara Tawar

Scope of work    : Design and project Implementation (Supply, Installation, Calibration, Start-up and Commissioning) Metering System for PLN

Scope of supply : Custody Metering completed with: Gas Filter Unit, Orifice Meter Skid

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